Some academic, personal and professional projects I've worked on.

I’ve worked on tons of little projects over the years and realised it's time to catalog them. Many of them are open-source, so if you see something that piques your interest, check out the code and contribute. Please note that I only publish projects that have been used in production.


Quant Qa

A platform to revise for quant interviews.


Credit Scoring with ML

An interpretable Neural Network to handle credit scoring classification problems. Introduces cutting-edge ML with Temporal Fusion Transformers for Interpretable Multi-horizon Time Series Forecasting


Python Framework Backtester

Look Back Straddle Deltas MA Cross Over strat. Breakout strat with combined signals from different breakout criteria. Returns prediction using ML for seasonality detection fed into a random forest for prediction. (unsupervised-to-supervised learning methods)



Improving on Morocco's the official website of data by adding more databases and creating an API for the country's databases. Work in progress. Opensource project.



Discovered the 1st web3 non-invasive solution to rent digital assets without collateral. Rentoken was one of the first NFT rental marketplaces. Was offered angel investment opportunities. Won a scholarship prize by Protocol labs, a blockchain R&D company known for creating IPFS and Filecoin. Note that the code is not completely open source.(Authentication required a wallet, but is propably not secure anymore and out of date)



Decentralized crowdfunding platform running on Polygon made in 36 hours during the Polygon x EasyA hackathon.


3D AI Designer

AI powered (DALL-E) model to generated t-shirt designs. The user can choose the design, color, and text. The AI generates the design.


Multicharacter AI chatbot

An AI powered application where the user choses a personality and the AI generates a character based on the personality. The prompts are tested by 70k humans, scarped from a github repository.


Self balancing robot

Built the hardware, software and firmware for the self balancing robot using arduino, C++, circuit design tools and construction tools such as 3D printers and laser cutters. The balance mechanisms worked successfuly using control theory (mostly PID). (Note that the video is not mine, it' for illustration purposes only).